Health and Wellness

Support Groups

Research has shown that joining a support group is beneficial for cancer patients by helping them adjust to cancer emotionally, socially and physically. The unique value of Support Groups is that members empower themselves by sharing with others on a similar journey. As a result, members feel more hopeful and not alone. 

Many studies have shown that support groups can reduce anxiety and stress. Support group members may learn strategies and tips on how to cope with treatment and side effects.

Support Groups provide information and resources to navigate post treatment. In addition to our Pink Journey Angel program, you may find that many hospitals and cancer centers also provide breast cancer support groups.

Here are other excellent online support and information groups for breast cancer patients:

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Living Beyond Breast Cancer provides emotional, practical and evidence-based content that is meaningful to those newly diagnosed, in treatment, post-treatment and with metastatic disease.


Sharsheret is a national organization that provides culturally relevant support and information to women facing breast and ovarian cancer. While their expertise is in young women and Jewish families, all programs serve all women and men of all backgrounds. 


  1. John Stoddard Cancer Center
  2. The Psychosocial Experiences of Women with Breast Cancer across the lifespan: A systemic review protocol. Campbell Enns and Woodgate R.


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