
Adrienne Feilden
Director, Pink Journey Foundation
Adrienne has dedicated her career as a Child Life Specialist to supporting pediatric patients within a hospital setting. Her background with degrees in Child Development/Psychology and Nursing have lead her to be a unique advocate within a medical team. Her experience in working with media relations and planning community events helps with fundraising and networking ideas.
She is an avid traveler, scrapbooker, and planner of adventures with family and friends.
Adrienne has a personal history of breast cancer, being diagnosed at the age of 39 in 2015, which has fueled her passion to help current patients and help spread awareness . She has experienced firsthand the struggles and triumphs of surviving and thriving. Her family history of breast cancer is what further motivates her to help foster education about the importance of early and frequent breast surveillance for early detection. Adrienne is also one of our many dedicated Pink Journey Angels who acts as a resource and supporter to patients currently undergoing diagnosis and treatment.